Hi, it's Wesley.

I've been terminally online since the mid-90s, when I first discovered the internet an hour at a time via a dial-up connection to the Toronto Freenet. Since then I've built a bunch of websites big and small, in pretty much every capacity from developer to product owner to DevOps engineer. Of these sites, the one you're most likely to recognize is RedFlagDeals, Canada's biggest site for bargain hunters and deal fiends.

In my spare time I like to play video games, watch movies, and take photographs (especially when travelling!) I've had a bunch of different hobbies and projects over the years, but you'll know I'm really into something when I decide to start a spreadsheet (or five) about it.

This site will document a bunch of that work, partially for my own notes and partially on the off-chance it interests someone else. Maybe you like graphs! I sure do.